How To Make A Shed Base Using Breeze Blocks

How i built my shed part 1 reuploadined due to a editing problem.. Place the block firmly in the bed of mortar and continue working until approximately 4 feet of blocks have been laid on each side of the corner block. use a mason's level to check the block wall for level and plumb. use a rubber mallet to lightly adjust any blocks before the mortar sets. work until the first course of concrete blocks is laid.. Hi, i plan to build a small shed in my garden just to store things like lawnmowers, shears and fishing gear in. i plan to build it using just the 4 inch lightweight breeze blocks as i have before, along with a flat sloping roof..

Well the ground for my shed base needed leveling slightly, did that with a spade. then i used rows of breeze blocks which i blagged from a building site. used a spirit level to fine tune then bunged the shed up. it's been there 13 years now. cost was some of my time and the cost of the shed. there is no need for a concrete base.. Building a breeze block shed - help/advice new topics. topics; old town hall - auction/sale. started 2 hours just had something similer built base alone cost me about 800 quid as its 12 inch deep and reinforced then blocks cost me 300 quid and roof 250 quid and two roller shutters doors at 500 quid each and then about another 200 quid for. A concrete base isn�t a massive job and doesnt have to be expensive. with a couple of mates you can easily sort it over a weekend. the way sheds are built now they form a cube (walls screwed.

how to make a shed base using breeze blocks